Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My New Job

    I love teaching dance, but when Jen said there was an opening at her school for a kindergarten paraprofessional job I thought I would go for it. I love kids and how hard could it be. Well, I was wrong. Do you know how hard it is to get 30 kindergarten children to line up properly, not tattle on each other, and not melt down? I have a lot to learn about the teaching atmosphere, and I am in over my head. I figure that I can keep trying and the main thing is to really care about the kids. I really like the teacher I am working with. I wanted to get into the school atmosphere, before I decided if I wanted to become a teacher. I wouldn't recommend having foot surgery, starting a new school semester, and starting a new job (going from working part-time to full-time with completely different hours) within 2.5 weeks.  I was a wreck the first week of my job. I was exhausted and wanted to quit school. I didn't know if I could do it. I have since gotten into my routine. I do about two to three hours of homework at night after work. I am glad work is really close to my house. I take one step at a time, but I am doing it.