Thursday, March 23, 2017

Happy Spring!

I love springtime because this time of year is when new growth occurs. The Easter season is upon us and this is my favorite holiday. This week I have been studying Christ's suffering in Gethsemane. I am grateful for His sacrifice for me. I am glad He suffered for my sins and for my mistakes. I learned an important lesson this past week. I almost made a huge mistake, but my mom caught it. My mom realized I didn't have enough time on my Passport to go to Costa Rica. I thought I was good with three months left on it, but I needed 6 months left on it. I scrambled and had to pay a great deal of money (over $400) to get a new one quickly. I relate this experience to how sometimes we come up short and make mistakes. I had to pay for my mistake by spending heaps of money on a new Passport. This could have been a bigger problem and I might have missed my trip. My mom stepped in and helped me just like Jesus Christ steps in and helps us when we let Him. Jesus Christ makes up the difference when we fall short of our potential. I hope we remember Jesus Christ and His love and sacrifice for us each day. May God, bless you in your daily adventures. I love this picture/quote I found on Facebook.
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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Having Faith In The Future

    Happy Wednesday my friends! I hope you are all doing well. I have been studying Matthew chapters 23- 24, Mark chapter 13, and Luke chapter 21. These chapters talk about what signs will take place before the Savior comes again. I believe God wants all of us to know He is a God of love. He wants us to have peace and happiness by being prepared. I must have courage to live God's commandments. I don't have to agree with the world's values. I know reading and studying the scriptures makes me understand God's truths and how I must live. This morning I couldn't sleep, because I was upset about a situation. I decided to read my scriptures. I felt peace and courage that everything would work out.

     I don't want to focus on worldly values so I have been trying not to spend too much time on social media.  I don't want to miss my opportunity of making a difference in the lives of the people who are standing right beside me. I don't want to get caught up in the big social movements of these days and lose sight of the person who needs my help the most. I believe we can look to the future with faith because there is good we can do every day. I believe in being positive and putting my trust in God. I know I can show love and kindness to others and serve in my community. One of my life missions is to love the children who surround me and make sure they feel valued and safe. How can you have faith in the future?
I found this quote on Facebook at this link.

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Monday, February 20, 2017

Gratitude to God

    Happy President's Day! I had an illuminating thought yesterday as I was studying about the ten lepers which Jesus healed in Luke chapter 17. Only one turned back and gave thanks to God. The illuminating thought I had was I must have gratitude and thank God for all the blessings in my life. I felt I lacked thanking God in one recent circumstance of my life. I was more like the nine lepers who didn't acknowledge and thank God for His mercy in being healed.
    I have been gluten-free since April of 2016. I felt inspired by the Spirit that I needed to get off gluten. I was at a point where I wanted to stop eating because I felt so terrible after I did eat. About a year and a half before going gluten-free I kept having thoughts about trying to cut gluten out of my diet. I just didn't have the courage or desire to do so. It took me getting to a very low point before completely getting off gluten. After two or three days of getting off gluten my stomachaches cleared up.  Fast forward to now. Ten or eleven years ago, I was diagnosed with an auto immune disease which is localized in my eyes. Winter is usually a bad time of year for me where I have flare ups of floaters in my eyes. I usually get shots in my eye or have steroid drops to help the floaters go away. This winter I have had hardly any flare ups. I know I have been blessed by God who helped me know what I best needed to do for my body to stay healthy. I have since repented and thanked God for the blessings of being gluten free.  I found this picture on Facebook which goes nicely with this theme.

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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Love and Forgiveness

Time sure flies when you are having fun. I love the month of February because this month is focused on love and it is also my birthday month.I can't believe next week is Valentine's Day. Do you have any plans for the holiday? My husband wants to take me to a symphonic metal concert. I actually like the main band so I think I will go. I also feel forgiveness goes hand in hand with truly loving someone. In Matthew chapter eighteen verses 21 to 35 the Savior tells us we should forgive all men even when they aren't sorry or don't think they have done anything wrong.These last few weeks I have been thinking about my grandfather. He is dying and I know his funeral will be soon. My grandfather lost his mom when he was ten. He had eight older sisters who helped raise him. Poor guy because he had no brothers. He is so loving and kind. He is slow to anger, and a peacemaker. He has taught me a true lesson about forgiveness and how it can heal a soul. He doesn't hold grudges and knows how to lighten the mood. Also, he lets me rub his bald head. Everyone who meets my grandfather loves him. I was grateful to have lived with my grandparents for nine months in Utah while I was in my early twenties because I got to know them better. I spent most of my childhood in Germany because my father was stationed there. My grandfather is a true example to me of truly loving someone. I love him and I will miss him when he passes.  I love this picture from the Mormon Channel.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Faith and Healing

Happy Wednesday my friends! I hope you are all having a great week.  One of my favorite healing stories of the New Testament can be found in Mark chapter 5 verses 25-34. This is a story about a woman who had a blood issue for twelve years. She spent all her money searching for a cure from many doctors. Her doctors didn’t heal her but she had faith if she touched Jesus's garments she would be made whole. After she touched Jesus's garments she was made whole through her faith. I don't know what the women's issue of blood was but I can relate. I have a mutation on one of my clotting proteins. I hyper coagulate (over clot). I must be careful in any circumstances in which I can easily develop a blood clot (pregnancy, surgery, injuries, and long trips).

Years ago, I injured my foot in a dance competition in California. I was put on crutches. I felt I needed a healing blessing from the elders (missionaries) from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was told my leg would be healed if I had faith. I thought this was odd because there was nothing wrong with my leg and my foot was the problem. A week to two weeks later I ended up with a DVT (blood clot) in my right calf. It was a very scary process but I knew I would be healed if I had faith. I am grateful to God that I survived my blood clot and the blood clot dissolved instead of being dislodged into my bloodstream. I know faith is a true principle and miracles still occur in our day. I know God cares about me and you.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
    I am starting my New Year off with going back to school after having a semester off. I am studying the four gospels in the New Testament. I like the story in Matthew four where Jesus is tempted by Satan three times and each time Jesus refuses to follow the commands of Satan. Each new year I set goals on how to become a better person. One of the traps and temptations I fall into is being so easily distracted about doing so many positive activities and neglecting other activities which are the most important.  I am a free-spirited person who likes to do many things but has a hard time managing my time wisely. One of the leaders of  The Church Of Jesus Christ  whose name is Dallin H. Oaks gave a conference talk titled Good, Better, Best which addresses the struggle in which I constantly find myself in. Dallin H. Oaks states, "We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families." If you would like to watch this talk here is the link at .

    Spending at least a half an hour in the New Testament each day and trying to apply the scriptures to my life has brought power and strength to me. I can make good choices each day and resist Satan's power through Christ's help. The closer I establish my relationship with God and follow His commandments the easier it becomes to ignore and bypass Satan's temptations and traps. Satan has no power over me unless I chose to follow him. This year I am focused on becoming more faithful in being prepared emotionally, physically, temporally, and spiritually. What are your goals this year?

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