Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Faith and Healing

Happy Wednesday my friends! I hope you are all having a great week.  One of my favorite healing stories of the New Testament can be found in Mark chapter 5 verses 25-34. This is a story about a woman who had a blood issue for twelve years. She spent all her money searching for a cure from many doctors. Her doctors didn’t heal her but she had faith if she touched Jesus's garments she would be made whole. After she touched Jesus's garments she was made whole through her faith. I don't know what the women's issue of blood was but I can relate. I have a mutation on one of my clotting proteins. I hyper coagulate (over clot). I must be careful in any circumstances in which I can easily develop a blood clot (pregnancy, surgery, injuries, and long trips).

Years ago, I injured my foot in a dance competition in California. I was put on crutches. I felt I needed a healing blessing from the elders (missionaries) from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was told my leg would be healed if I had faith. I thought this was odd because there was nothing wrong with my leg and my foot was the problem. A week to two weeks later I ended up with a DVT (blood clot) in my right calf. It was a very scary process but I knew I would be healed if I had faith. I am grateful to God that I survived my blood clot and the blood clot dissolved instead of being dislodged into my bloodstream. I know faith is a true principle and miracles still occur in our day. I know God cares about me and you.

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