Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Foot bump/Leiden Factor 5

    I love being active. Irish dancing and running are two of my favorite activities. A few weeks ago a nice bump started forming on my foot. It felt like tendonitis, but it is hard like bone. I didn't want to deal with it because life has been going pretty well. I have been making good timing improvements in my dancing and I feel great about my accomplishments. I tend to look at life and things in a rosy way. I was not prepared for the news I received at the Dr.'s office. I will need surgery to concave this bone (which is closely related to a bone spur) if I am to fix this problem. Between my high arches and the impact of my dancing between the joints and metatarsals a Rocky Mountain has formed. It is located at the center of my left foot where the surgery scar is.

Surgery is a huge ordeal for me. I am at a higher risk than the average population for getting a blood clot. You see I have Leiden factor 5. One of my clotting proteins is mutated and it doesn't know when to shut off. It is really dangerous when the clot becomes too big and becomes loose in my blood stream. It is a genetic condition and it is found in some European ancestry. This condition does not skip a generation. I have to be on Lovenox shots to thin my blood when I have surgery. I have to usually take them for a week or longer depending on when my hematologist says I am safe. The needle is long and the solution stings when it goes in. I also get to wear the sexy, white Ted hose socks for several weeks. I am setting a fashion statement for the surgery/medical world.

  I will wait until after the Oireachtas ( The Irish dance Western Region Championships in Phoenix) to have the surgery. It is not a dangerous thing to have. It just depends on how much it is bothering me. It is a three week recovery time. I can't dance or run until the stitches come out.

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